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    6 years ago · · 0 comments

    5 Secret Techniques To Improve Your Self Confidence and Why Self Confidence is Important

    Having a good relationship with yourself is hard. It takes a lot of mental strength, understanding, love, and patience. It isn’t something that you can achieve overnight, but it is totally worth it.

    Being able to look at yourself and like what you’re seeing, being your biggest supporter, believing in yourself-all of that comes with self confidence. Sounds good-right! But let’s be real for a moment, how many people actually have this level of self confidence?

    The truth is, a lot of us don’t. But that’s okay! We live in a world that is constantly pushing these standards against us, making us doubt ourselves time and time again. That’s normal, but the important thing is doing something to be that self confident queen (or king) you should be.

    Building self confidence: One step at a time.

    Like I mentioned before, having a good relationship with yourself takes time, and it sure isn’t an easy job, but it is totally worth it.. You just have to take things one step at a time – starting today.

    Now, there really isn’t a magic formula on how to have tons of confidence in yourself and suddenly become this incredibly driven person (wish there was a formula, but no). However, there is a way to eventually achieve that and it is through constant work.

    You see, to start building your self confidence, you first have to understand what it really means. We see a lot of people saying “You have to be more self confident!” but, what does that really mean?

    Well, to break it down to you really quickly, self confidence is defined as the belief in oneself and your abilities, it describes an internal state made up of what we think and feel about ourselves. That is according to the University of Queensland, Australia.

    So, basically building your self confidence means working on that inner relationship you have with yourself to a point where you actually believe you are capable of doing anything you want to do, and that you DO have the skills and abilities to do so. 

    Starting to build up your self confidence.

    Having a low self confidence can be as damaging as having a low self esteem. When we don’t trust in ourselves and our capacities, we tend to sabotage our own lives, to sabotage our opportunities.

    And we do this because we don’t think we are capable of doing the thing, we don’t believe in ourselves, so what do we do? We sabotage perfectly good opportunities!

    That’s why, to start building up your self confidence, the very first thing you have to do is take a look at yourself. You have to understand your feelings, what is happening inside your mind, before working on it.

    Some have self confidence issues due to some childhood problems, some have little to no self confidence because nobody ever told them they are amazing and capable of anything. Whatever reason it is you might have low self confidence, you can work on it.

    Now that we all had an honest talk with ourselves, it is time to start building up our self confidence (again, don’t mistake with self esteem). And, if you are wondering just how to do that, here are a few useful tips.

    #1: Take a look at how far you’ve come.

    A lot of times we fail to see just how great we are because we are always focusing on the next big thing, the next big challenge we have to overcome. In those moments is when everything seems impossible and our self confidence starts to slip away.

    So, stop it right there! Take a moment to really see how far you have come in life. Realize every little obstacle, every problem, every situation you have not only survived, but managed properly.

    And I’m not talking only about those big things like graduating High School or college, or getting the job you wanted, but about the little things you’ve accomplished as well: Writing that piece of paper you didn’t want to, surviving a heartbreak, managing a difficult situation at work… There are so many things you have done! You deserve recognition for it!

    #2: Keep your thoughts in check.

    Now, I’m not about to tell you to think nothing but positive things from now on because that simply isn’t realistic. However, you should keep those negative thoughts about yourself on check.

    Everytime you think something negative about yourself, or talk yourself down, cut that immediately! I know we can be our biggest critics, but you should be your biggest supporter!

    Realize when your own thoughts are being toxic and create a strategy to change your mind or change your thoughts into something else. If you start doing this, you’ll notice how quickly your mindset simply starts to change.

    #3: Evaluate your strengths.

    Talking positive to yourself, having the right mindset and knowing how valuable you are is a great path towards building that self confidence, however, it is time to think about your strengths.

    A lot of times we feel like we aren’t capable of doing something simply because we don’t know ourselves. A good recommendation is to make a list about all of your strengths and abilities.

    Write down anything you believe is a strength and any ability you have. As the list grows you will realize you have all the right tools within yourself to make it. And most importantly, you will stop doubting yourself every chance you get.

    Plus, having it all written down is a good strategy for whenever you feel like your self confidence is lacking off again. Just read your list and think about how amazing you are, you’ll notice it actually works.

    #4: Change the way you speak and carry yourself.

    Our body language and the way we speak have a HUGE influence on our confidence level. If you are constantly walking with your shoulders down, your back all humped over- all bad posture will do is make you inevitably feel bad.

    Same goes for the way you talk to others and the way you express thoughts about yourself. You have to start being kind to yourself, you have to talk about you as if you were talking about a dear friend! Don’t put yourself down in front of others.

    I can’t stress enough how truly important it is to manage the way we speak to others, especially when we are talking about ourselves. Just try it, try go days only speaking good and kind words, watching what you say, and things will be so much different.

    #5: Don’t compete with anyone else.

    Last, but definitely not least, is realizing you aren’t competing with anyone else but yourself. Comparing yourself to others and questioning your abilities is the fastest way to destroy your self confidence.

    Don’t do it! Realize we are all different humans with a different set of skills, and we all have a shot at being great, it just all depends on how you decide to take advantage of that opportunity.

    In all seriousness, be good to you, do things for you, become better for you and nobody else. That’s how you build a strong relationship with yourself and how you start to gain self confidence-by realizing you are an unique human with an amazing set of skills. It is time to stop competing with others, and start to focus on yourself, your goals, and how you’ll achieve them.

    Why working on your self confidence is so important.

    Now that you know a few tips on how to build your self confidence, let’s talk a bit why it is so important, and why this article had even being written (And why you’re reading it, of course)

    The thing is, being self confident and believing in ourselves and our capacities is truly an amazing feeling that we should all work towards. It is something that can open so many doors for us, it’s ridiculous.

    Working on your self confidence means stop auto-sabotaging your own life, it means you’ll be able to take advantage of the opportunities that life will present to you without doubting yourself.

    Having more self confidence means having a better relationship with yourself. It means having a good self esteem as well, it means showing others how comfortable and secure of yourself you are. And who knows-Maybe inspire them as well. That’s why it is so amazing, and important, to be a self confident person!

    But more importantly, working on your self confidence matters because it can improve the way you see yourself and your life. It takes time, sure, and sometimes you will feel like your self confidence is lacking again, but trust me, it is worth fighting for, it certainly is.

    Your journey to being a self confident queen (or king!) starts today. It will be full of ups and downs, and you might want to give up sometimes, but hey, the results will be amazing, and you will be thankful to yourself for having taken the time to do this.